Pigeon Abatement

Pigeon Abatement

Feral pigeons are difficult to deal with and can cost homeowners thousands of dollars in terms of structural damage. Their droppings are acidic and can damage the shingles of your roof.

In addition, feral pigeons carry various diseases. They can build a nest on your roof and inside your vents. Their feathers and droppings can also trigger asthma and other respiratory problems.

Our team has all the solutions you’re looking for. We offer bird abatement solutions in the Central Valley.

We install solar panels that have been screened off to prevent pigeons from building a nest under your roof, or in your vents. We also clean and sanitize your roof to remove pigeon droppings.

Our solar panels also work toward protecting the shingles of your roof from external damages caused by other types of birds and pests.

We offer quick, convenient, and affordable moss removal services in Central Valley. You can give us a call any time. We have a 24-hour emergency service available.

Our team will thoroughly clean your roof and remove moss from hard-to-reach places.

Give us a call at 209-4502-224 to book our services!